Earthly Wings

Marie Holm, PhD
2 min readAug 26, 2022


Your life is your own

To do with what you choose

You might wonder why

We’re not told what will become

Where we will end up

Who will be by our side

Wouldn’t that be easier to know

Already the destination set

We could steer course toward it

Without doubting what’s next

Avoiding pondering and regret

But alas like any game or journey

We only really have the debut

All horizons span vastly forth

Through some dimmed from view

As we think ourselves not worthy of

Not capable of, attaining what we want

So we meander a little or a lot,

Chasing back to the roots of yourself

And searching great depths in your soul

To find our sense of self, uniquely within

Tangled sometimes in scrunches of uncertainty,

Of hurt, lingering in our thoughts, to be healed

Yet surely enough this seeming struggle

Does make it from worm form to butterfly

And gosh are those earthly wings beautiful

Shining with the strength we discover

The sureness that kindness is called for

And that compassion imbues our aura

From all that we’ve endured and overcome

Shows as intricate designs on these wings

That are more sensed than seen by the eye

For finding our own path and forming it

Is intrinsically done not to display our beauty

Instead this beauty resides as a pleasing peace

So here you are well along your way

Settled into yourself and choosing ever wisely

Balancing well what your soul calls for,

What your friends here and in spirit say,

With the array of options available onward.

Alas your butterfly form unfolds further

With every new flutter you spur.



Marie Holm, PhD

Exploring vast expanses and various corners of our minds and beyond. Researcher, professor, and a spiritualist medium, on medium.