Failing Isn’t Falling

Marie Holm, PhD
2 min readJan 20, 2023


Photo credit: Monica de Vibe

Failure doesn’t mean falling

Down in the depths

Failure is one step forward

To a new magical beginning

Fresh and with renewed light

Knowing better where to place

One’s footing forward surely

On a trusty path, safe and secure

For you have learned what doesn’t work

And though it came with sorrow

These tears will be transformed

To form a better tomorrow

Why can’t we know why

We didn’t make it forward before

Was there something we did wrong?

Was there something in it to learn?

Maybe one, both, maybe more

Or maybe simply

the swell of the tide of time

had not swept to shore

for your dream to unfurl

For just as you must be ready

And clear space in your mind

So must others around you

And indeed nature doesn’t rush

So out, my friend, to observe

The trees that form a ring yearly

The flowers that rest in winter

And bloom in spring

Sometimes nesting is needed

To nourish the harvest

Of life’s aims as well

Losses along the way

Are in fact gains

As, imagine, as a child

If you never tried to walk

You’d never have fallen

But yet you’d never have known

How it felt to finally get

Those steps forward in place

Would those steps have value

If you hadn’t first fallen?

So take failure not as falling

But as a step onward

A glimpse of your dream

Coming to life before you.

Making space in your mind

For the fullness of it coming

Just when you’ve given up

A promise of your path opens

With a healthy dash of magic

Sprinkled along to support you.



Marie Holm, PhD

Exploring vast expanses and various corners of our minds and beyond. Researcher, professor, and a spiritualist medium, on medium.