Lasting Letter of Love

Marie Holm, PhD
1 min readDec 2, 2022


Heaven, blend with your striving soul

Suffering from turbulent time to time,

In seeing a bright way paved forward

A cloudy and downtrodden mind

From earthly trouble such as we all face

Fear sparks when we lose our balance

In facing the idea of the worst possible

But might not the best possible happen

Given that the wonder that many call God

Is not only up yonder but also deep within

Embodying every cell of your body,

Whispering ever so gently, to help

Reminding us that all will be well

In time and with care, dreams form

Into what the eye can see.

Courage and faith, my dear, grow,

From connecting to knowing

That the great spirit speaks to you

And through you when called upon

To comfort, to bring delight, even

Laugher when life seems at its worst

Because when we zoom out

To that bigger picture,

There is only love, learning and joy

Every challenge can remind you

That the divine is at the ready

To be brought forth more broadly

In your life, only ever a thought away.

Therefore send that thought,

And a virtual letter of love will be sent

From spirit all around to spirit within.



Marie Holm, PhD

Exploring vast expanses and various corners of our minds and beyond. Researcher, professor, and a spiritualist medium, on medium.