Spirited Support

Marie Holm, PhD
1 min readJul 15, 2022

Out of sorts, frazzled feelings

where is my hive of harmony

in all this upside-down mess

of constraints and change

with challenges thrown at me

that seem so unfair, so cruel

That side of life that insta hides

which goes unmentioned sometimes

with only positive vibes permitted

yet the reality of life has also shade

of troubled turbulence at times

Not all is smooth sailing in the sun

we can get stuck in this proverbial mud

sinking our thoughts in spirals round

since when the light doesn’t seem to shine

we fret that it’s no longer there,

that no-one cares

— -

but life, of life, brings such bumps

tumbles and churns along its path

why, maybe we cannot fully know

but with plenty of graceful patience

pearls of our wisdom can arise

spurring us to right action,

and serving reassurance

that the sun still shines

the clouds merely cover

that divine light still bright

— -

so when all seems broken

and possibilities seem pointless

gaze back to the endless sky

through the eyes in your mind

to be reminded to ease through

with even laughter to lighten

your way forward, together

with spirited support ever true



Marie Holm, PhD

Exploring vast expanses and various corners of our minds and beyond. Researcher, professor, and a spiritualist medium, on medium.