Marie Holm, PhD
2 min readDec 23, 2022


The Possible Impossible

Union lives deep in each of our hearts

Wrapped in layer upon layer at times

By the wanton woes of our heavy world

Though lively spirit infuse this world

Making what is dim to be bright

Past sorrow and struggle sift away.

Sometimes the impossible is possible.

Oh what grace of God flows freely forth

To the depth of even the darkest heart

That scorned and torn by a tiring life

Can find renewal and a new chapter

Together with another in lasting union

Once love shines in one’s heart again

And this healing is felt though the soul

Grace emerges and finds a way

To instill the path of one’s desire

Aligned with that of another

Call it friendship, marriage or other

And indeed many bonds are possible

That which you have in love are strong

And fear not for they shall not break

Through each day enjoyed together

Celebrating companionship in smiles

In simple moments, simply side by side

With words or more often in silence

A tangible harmony hums its tune

So pull not your beloved with worry

Be gentle in your every action

Knowing that they care for you

As you care for yourself

And feel you as if in your shoes

Walking every mile in your stride

Attending to that you are well

Rest easy in this envelope of lasting love

A union transcending time and place

cherish cultivating this warm tranquility



Marie Holm, PhD

Exploring vast expanses and various corners of our minds and beyond. Researcher, professor, and a spiritualist medium, on medium.